Using parts library JSON (PLJSON) files

Now that we have a proper PLJSON file, what can we do with it?

Create library CAD files

The generate() function of the party.library_use module will create ccad scripts and CAD files (depending on the optional arguments values) in subfolders of the folder containing the parts library JSON (PLJSON) file.


From the parts library JSON (PLJSON) file, it is possible to create one CAD file per entry in the data section of the PLJSON file in the following formats:

  • STEP (AP203)
  • STL
  • HTML (to view the part in the browser using X3DOM)


See the examples/ISO_4014/ script for an example of how to generate the CAD files from the parts library (PLJSON) file.

# coding: utf-8

r"""Example use of the library.json file to create geometry_scripts and
cad files


import logging
from os.path import join, dirname

from party.library_use import generate

                    format='%(asctime)s :: %(levelname)6s :: '
                           '%(module)20s :: %(lineno)3d :: %(message)s')

generate(json_library_filepath=join(dirname(__file__), "library.json"),

Create the library documentation

The generate() function of the party.library_documentation module will create HTML documentation of the parts library JSON (PLJSON) file in the folder passed as a parameter.


Currently, only HTML documentation generation is implemented.


See the examples/ script for an example of how to generate the documentation of the parts library (PLJSON) file.

# coding: utf-8

r"""Parts library documentation creation example"""

from os.path import dirname, join
import logging

from party.library_documentation import create_libraries_sphinx_sources

def main():
    r"""Main function for the parts library documentation example"""
    create_libraries_sphinx_sources(join(dirname(__file__), "../examples"),
                                    join(dirname(__file__), "../examples/doc"))

if __name__ == "__main__":
                        format='%(asctime)s :: %(levelname)6s :: '
                               '%(module)20s :: %(lineno)3d :: %(message)s')


Use the parts in other projects

Work in progress to use the parts library JSON (PLJSON) files in:

  • a new (in development) CAD project definition structure based on acyclic directed graphs.
  • other CAD softwares that offer scripting/plugin capabilities